Alpha Loren

Chapter 61 Mistakes Galore

November 14th

When we got back to the Loren household only Mateo, Xander, Bella and Lia were in.

"Where the fuck is everyone?" Leo asked Mateo.

"Well Elena and Maria are out...again. They've barely been in lately. Marco and Carlos are probably smoking weed somewhere. Mom and Dad when to the store with Lisa and Lenny and I believe that's everyone,” Mateo explained, "But Lia wants to go and see Haden later.”

"Does Elena not need more time to recover?” Leo asked. "The girl nearly died a week ago.”

"Try telling her that," Mateo laughed, "Her and Maria have taken up a sudden love for running.”

Of course, I knew exactly what Maria and Elena were doing in the woods: filling in where Leo had failed by attempting to train some of the pack women in fighting and defence skills.

"I'll take Lia to visit Haden," Leo offered, "I have to go and check on him later anyway to ensure he is being kept weak enough so we'll combine trips.”

Half an hour later, we were heading towards the base in Leo's car.

"Haden better not try anything today," he grumbled, "Eight of my pack members were killed by rogues today but I couldn't help but think about the hundreds that died as a result of Haden."

Lia paused, "Mateo could have come if you're not in a good mood. I don't want you to rip his head off or anything.”

Leo shook his head.

"As long as he doesn't piss me off it will be fine," Leo replied as we drove down the forest track.

"It is Haden we are talking about..." I said.

"It will be fine," Leo repeated and nobody said much for the rest of the journey.

When we reached the prison guard, the guard lead us straight to Haden's cell.

"We had to increase the hourly dose of wolfsbane this morning as he had started to become immune to its effects so be careful and if he seems too strong please let us know immediately,” the guard warned.

Lia nodded before he unbolted the door revealing Haden in the exact same position as the previous visit.

"Lia," he said in a fairly strong normal voice.

"Hi again," she said approaching him.

"And you brought your eldest brother...great,” Haden groaned sarcastically.

"Careful. He's in a bad mood," she mentioned sitting beside him as he reached up to kiss her cheek. "Leo, why don't we wait outside?" I asked taking Leo's hand.

"I'm not taking my eyes off him until he's had another dose of wolfsbane,” Leo replied. "Guard!" "Yes Alpha,” the guard said as he appeared a few seconds later.

"Get the doctor to deliver him more wolfsbane. He's nowhere near weak enough,” Leo said.

"Oh Leo please,” Lia protested. "Is that really necessary?"

"Yes. Go," Leo ordered.

The guard nodded and left

"He's chained to the wall, for Christ's sake!" Lia said.

"Yeah and won't be for much longer at this rate," Leo grumbled.

A few seconds later, a lady in a white coat and a syringe appeared.

She injected Haden's forearm with it before swiftly exiting the cell.

"Thanks, Doc," Haden remarked already sounding weaker as the doctor left.

"I'll be about ten minutes,” Lia said as I took Leo's hand and guided him out of the cell closing the door behind us.

"Eight civilians killed, huh?" I asked, "Thats quite a number for a rogue attack.”

Leo swallowed and nodded, "There were a lot of them."

"What did the one you “questioned’ tell you?" I probed, "You skirting the question when your soldier asked."

"Nothing you need to know," he said.

I rolled my eyes, "Seemed like a pretty big deal to me. Why won't you tell me?"

"Because I don't want you getting involved,” he said, "Or arguing with me about the way I'm dealing with it.”

" are you dealing with it."

"I'm still not discussing this with you, Ella," he said.

"So I'm going to decode that to mean you are using unnecessary violence and evil,” I said.

"If it was down to you, I'd be a fluffy teddy bear even to the rogues,” he muttered.

"Well if there's anything I learnt from my time learning history at school it would be that the leaders that used evil, for example, Genghis Khan, Maximilien Robespierre and Adolf Hitler all have two things in common: they were hated and they either were executed, assassinated or committed suicide. So it must be better to be fair and just and popular?”

"Julius Cesar was loved by the people and was still assassinated. You can't win either way."

"I hate that you're smarter than me," I said folding my arms.

"Not used to that, huh?" he asked pinching my cheeks.

"Might just assassinate you and your brains,” I suggested.

"Well, you can join the 1199 other attempts since I became Alpha 6 years ago,” Leo asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "That's how many people have tried to kill you?"

My face instantly dropped and I felt myself holding his hands.

He shrugged, "I have a lot of enemies.”

"But none of them get close...right?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it, Ells. I can defend myself," he replied. "And most of the time, my men stop them before they even get to me.”

"Most of the time?" I asked. "Has anyone ever like... got into the house?"


I raised an eyebrow, "That was a lie, Leonardo Loren.”

"Okay, yes. Once or twice. But that just makes it easier for me to catch them when confined to the four walls of a house," he replied.

"What if I was on my own?" I asked.

"Now you see why I don't like leaving you?" he asked

I nodded.

"I warned you about this the day we met remember?" he asked. "And I'm sorry you ended up as my Luna a.k.a the most dangerous title in the world,”

"Not to change the subject or anything, but is there a bathroom in this place?" I asked.

"Not one you'd want to use...and didn't you go at my parent's house?" Leo replied.

"It's the baby," I stated. "He makes me need to pee a lot.”

"Can you wait?"

"I'm desperate,” I pleaded and he sighed. "And we're in the base. There are no scary assassins here, right?”

He sighed.

"You know where Anseco's coffee shop is only about 100m across the street right?" Leo asked and I nodded. "Go there and come straight back. I have to stay here to supervise Haden, but if you don't return in 5 minutes I'll come and find you okay?"

"See ya in a bit," I said getting off Leo's lap and pecking him on the lips.

The coffee shop was opposite the prison in a little side alleyway so I got there in less than 30 seconds. I then quickly greeted Anseco before he showed me where the bathroom was. He had a lot of customers in there today, but the restroom was free.

A minute later I was heading back across the road, I noticed half a dozen of Leo's men racing down the street.

Infront of them was a scruffy looking man, running for his life. His clothes were muddy and ripped, his hands covered in blood and he had the distinct foul smell of rogue trailing behind him.

I froze and watch. Leo's men were bigger and faster and they caught up with him within a few seconds before tackling him straight to the floor.

The violence that unfolded next was shocking to say the least. The rogue was soon coughing up blood, falling unconscious and only just alive.

A small crowd had gathered around as two of the men dragged him to his feet.

"Find the Alpha,” one of the soldiers ordered to another, "Now."

"He's in the prison,” I said to the soldier as he glanced around, "At Haden's cell.”

The soldier nodded before jogging into the prison.

I followed him in and down towards Haden's cell where the soldier was explaining the situation to Leo who was stood upright with his chest tensed.

When he saw me, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Stay here with my Luna and Haden," Leo ordered the soldier, "I'll be back as soon as I can.”

He then marched out of the prison and out onto the street.

"What did I just witness?" I asked the soldier.

"I'm sorry, Luna," he said bowing his head, "I can't tell you anything.”

"Of course you can't,” I muttered.

It wasn't long until Leo returned with a hard expression and breathing heavily.

"The other men are in the woods North of the base getting rid of the body," Leo said to the soldier, "Go and join them. They have orders to search the entire area for any more."

I watched as the soldier left before snapping my eyes back to Leo, "Are you gonna tell me what the fuck is going on now or..?"

"You saw it," he said, "There was a rogue."

"The second rogue attack in a day,” I said.

"It happens,” he replied.

"And he got as far as the base? How often does that happen?" I questioned.

"Ella," he hissed, "I am not talking about this now. Will you just shut up and stop asking me questions when I have already made it immensely clear to you that I am not fucking telling you." At that point, Lia came out of the cell. With all that was going on, I had completely forgotten she was even in there.

"Shall we go?" She chirped looking at us both awkwardly. I presume she had heard our entire conversation which meant so had Haden.

Leo nodded, took my hand and we began to leave.

"Your father was right...the pack is crumbling and it all started when she arrived..." Haden remarked from inside the cell.

All three of us stopped in our tracks.

Leo let out the most murderous growl.

BIG mistake Haden. VERY BIG mistake.

"Leo no!" Lia screamed as he turned un his heel and marched back towards the cell.

We watched as he flung open the door and seized Haden's T-shirt.

"I've been waiting for an excuse to do that for a while now Haden," Leo sneered after punching him hard in the jaw.

Lia gasped as she spotted the blood dripping from Leo's fist and Haden's face, but Leo soon slammed the cell door and began dragging Lia out of the prison as I followed awkwardly behind. "We can't leave him like that!" Lia yelled at her brother.

"Guard, that lame excuse for an Alpha might need the doctor again,” Leo stated as we exited through the lobby of the prison.

"Yes Alpha,” The guard replied with a nodd.

He eventually let go of Lia who was still reluctant to leave and “encouraged’ her into the car.

The drive back to the Loren’s house was deathly silent. I couldn't stop looking at the slowly drying blood on Leo's fists as purple bluish bruises formed around it.

My mate parked the car right at the end of his parent's drive and still didn't say a word as a quietly sobbing Lia got out. He then promptly reversed out and drove back to his own home.

Testosterone overload much.

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