Lustful Hearts

Chapter 78: Friend In Nееd - P1

The next day I woke up in complete hell. It took a few moments for everything to register before it all came flooding back.

I groaned in an attempt to try to move, but my body was not being compliant with my request, every movement was complete agony.

I prepared myself for the torture, popping open an eye, feeling the light sear against my eyeball.

Oh god, the pain.

It snapped shut, trying to protect itself from further torture. My mouth desperately cried out for water, but I didn't have the strength or energy to move.

After several minutes of contemplation and wishful thinking, I dragged myself from the bed.

Stumbling towards the bathroom, I was hoping a shower would rejuvenate and wash away the grimy hangover feeling.

After my shower I pulled on my sweats and a T-shirt. I quickly towel dried my hair, then went off in search of water and tablets.

I was hoping they would quickly ease the headache that was currently ripping my head in half.

I managed to nip in and out without being noticed, quickly settling back on my bed, pulling a blanket around myself as I sat staring at the television.

My eyes were focused on the images, but I remained oblivious to what was happening on screen.

My phone pinged and I lifted it up, already knowing who it would be. Elijah had left several texts pleading for me to ring him, but I had no intention in easing his guilty conscience.

I tossed the phone back down and curled up, feeling a lowly tear trickle down my face. I had been betrayed by the one person I thought I could trust. Right now I just needed space to come to terms with that.

A while later a light rap broke me from my trance, and my eyes automatically flicked towards the door. "Come in," I said out of politeness, though I wasn't exactly in the mood for company.

The door slowly creaked open, and my eyes widened when I noticed who it was stood there, looking slightly hesitant.

"Hey, Iz," Ryan said. "Your mum let me in. I just wanted to check if you were okay after last night. Elijah texted me a few times, he's really worried about you."

He hung back like he was waiting for permission to enter. I motioned with my head to come in, and he walked over, perching himself on the end of my bed.

I jumped in before he had chance to speak. "Elijah had no right to do what he did last night."

He frowned at my harsh words. "In Elijah's defence he was only trying to help."

My eyes flashed to his in anger. "What right has he to decide I'm ready to move on? He just took it upon himself as usual, to stick his nose into other people's business, regardless of whether I'm ready or not."

"I know but-"

"No buts, and if that's all you came around for, then you can just leave. I don't want to discuss it anymore." I huffed, crossing my arms, feeling defensive.

Ryan's eyes softened slightly. "Fine, we won't discuss it. You guys will just have to work it out yourselves. I just wanted to check on you. You know you worried me last night the state you were in."

"Sorry." My eyes dropped down to the blanket as I picked at it awkwardly, embarrassed by the state I'd got myself in to. I had totally lost it.

"I just don't like to see you like that, turning to drink is not the way to go."

I expelled a loud puff of air. "And what is?"

He grabbed my laptop and began booting it up. Once the screen sprung to life he began typing, then smiled joining me as we both sat side by side while I looked on in bewilderment. "A Netflix marathon, what do you fancy watching?"

It wasn't as effective as drink, but under my present circumstances that was definitely not an option.

"Anything that will distract me." It would take a sledgehammer to the head to make me forget, but right now anything he offered would be gratefully received.

"You might regret saying that. How do you feel about a serial killer with a twist?" His eyes widened, and he grinned as my lips twitched at his enthusiasm. "I'd have to say as long as it isn't anything happy, then I am totally up for it."

He nestled down next to me with the laptop angled so we could both see. I could feel the heat of his arm against my skin, and I prickled against his touch. "Cold?" he asked, feeling me shiver.

"Just a little," I lied, pulling the blanket farther up. As the credits began to roll I lost myself for the next few hours, welcoming the distraction from my overly busy head.


I awoke a while later to find Ryan had gone and the laptop closed, sat perched upon my desk. I blinked several times before checking the time on my phone; it was four in the afternoon.

I didn't even remember nodding off. The hangover was back in full force, feeling the pain slicing through my head once again.

I headed downstairs towards the kitchen, quickly making a sandwich and grabbing a drink.

I could hear my mother and Mike's voices filtering through, but I was not great company to join them. I quickly walked back to my room, rejecting Elijah's sixth attempt to call.

I swiftly typed out a text asking him to give me some space before I switched it off, not in the mood to wait for an explanation. It was pointless.

We needed time away from each other. He would try to fight it though, but I had no desire to listen to his complaints of me being unreasonable. All that had gone out the window when he chose to go against my wishes.

Ryan began stopping by every day. We were now on the Easter break so I was grateful I didn't have to try to avoid Elijah at college.

We were slowly but surely making our way through the box set and he was right, serial killers had a way of truly making you forget.

I enjoyed the escapism I had with Ryan for those few hours a day. Though once he had gone I quickly returned back to my own state of misery again.

On the fourth day he dragged me out, and we'd taken a stroll through the park. It had felt good to get some fresh air through my lungs after days spent confined in my room.

On the way back we stopped at Starbucks. His treat was to buy me a caramel latte. I took a seat in the corner, my concentration on watching the world go by out the window.

When Ryan brought the drinks over, my eyes instantly zoned in on the couple of brownies sat there on the tray. He placed them down smiling, giving me a wink before taking the tray back. We were half way into a discussion about who would fare better in a zombie apocalypse. Ryan had taken it upon himself to say he would be the king of all survival.

Little did he know my survival skills were a well-charged Kindle and constant supply of chocolate, and that would be more than enough to keep me entertained.

It was half way through our intense discussion that I heard his voice. My eyes naturally flicked up to meet his wounded ones as he watched our jokey interactions.

Ryan stopped talking while my eyes remained on Elijah's until he followed my line of sight. He made to move to go over to speak to him, but I grabbed him holding him back.

Elijah's eyes widened at my actions, watching Ryan turn back to me in dismay as I began to talk to him like he was no longer there.

I heard him complete his order, and he stood staring at us for a few moments longer. But I refused to acknowledge him again, jumping moments later when he banged the door hard behind him. "Iz, go after him. This is stupid. You were best friends," Ryan pleaded, much to my annoyance.

"Were being the operative word, it can't be undone. I think it's best for both of us that we have some time away from each other."

"You'll regret this, Iz. You shouldn't allow things like this to come between you."

My eyes flashed to his. "Look, Ryan, if you carry on with this constant barrage of criticism, then I'll be cutting you out next too—"

"Wow, you can be a mean spirited little thing, can't you?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Just try me."☐☐☐☐

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