My Alpha Mate's Christmas Gift

Chapter 80

Camilla felt nervous. He appeared so weak, yet something about him seemed intimidating. Also, how long had he been standing there? She didn't notice him the whole time until he spoke. Sure, she was concentrating on the conversation of Roxanne and Rita, but her senses weren't so dull that she wouldn't be able to pick up the sound of someone approaching her.

The most important question that rang through her mind though, was...

"Did he hear me?"

As she thought it in her head, he repeated the same with his calm and slightly deep tone. After he said this he gave her a sly gaze, making her feel even more afraid of his existence.

"Well, you are not wrong on any count. I am merely a simple Omega. One who has obtained an ancient Wolf Art, and one who managed to watch you while you eavesdropped on those unsuspecting young women in their house, the same one who listened to your thoughts, both the ones you mentioned and the ones within you" He stated.

"I know why you are here, Camilla!"

"How does he know my..." Before she finished her thoughts, she saw him raise an eyebrow, and then found it pointless to even complete what she was thinking about. Since he figured out everything else, what was her name compared to that?

"So... What will you do? You're here to rat me out?" She said with a nervous smile.

"Hahahahahhaha" He suddenly burst into laughter.

This shocked Camilla as she heard his loud voice bellow out in amusement.

"Ahhhh, I apologise for that. It's just that you said something funny, and I couldn't stop myself." He said, still chuckling a little.

"Tch, then what the hell do you want?!" Camilla let out in frustration.

He ceased his chuckle, but maintained his smile. His lonely, yet convicted eyes grabbed her attention. He took in a deep, intimate breath as he let the cool winter breeze into his lungs and exhaled with the same vigour


"Relax... Enjoy the weather... Camilla. You don't need to be so afraid. I can assure you that I will prove no detriment to your plans. In fact, I guarantee that I'll be more helpful to you than you realise" He

"Wha...?!" She let out.

"Shhh... I'm still talking, you know?" He placed his hands on his lips, indicating he demanded her complete obedience.

Realising that she was trapped and cornered, she decided to play his game for the time being.

"Your plan requires a certain degree of subtlety, finesse, cunning... A skill you most definitely possess, but you're too lacking. You stand out too much, plus... You're sloppy." He commented. "This guy..." She thought, but quickly cautioned herself, knowing he could read even that.

"You're careless, especially when assured of your victory. That's why it didn't even rake much of an effort to sneak up on you. You get flustered easily, you get agitated easily, you're easy to read, to manipulate... The plan isn't even yours, it's your father's. In essence, you're way over your head."

Camilla considered his words, and as much as they stung, he was correct.

"But... I can help you, "he offered.

Her eyes narrowed in suspicion. Why was he willing to go so far for her? Who was he to begin with? What did he want?

"Camilla, daughter of Lord Benson, Alpha of the Bloodmoon Pack... I know your story, your family's history... And I know of your ambition. It's not a bad idea, but ultimately it will fail... That is, without my


Camilla watched his every movement as he spoke. This man was dead serious. He didn't even look any older than her, yet the way he spoke and completed himself was unlike any other. "What do you want in return?" She asked him.

There was no point in beating around the bushes any longer. He had made his point, and he had also demonstrated it nicely for her. Currently, she had no choice even if she wanted to refuse, he had made sure of that. The only thing she could do was listen to his wishes.

"Oh, not much... I just want the Rockwood Pack. You can have the rest." He said with a shrug.

"T-The Pack?! That's a lot! I can't guarantee that. I'm just the..." Camilla tried to protest, but the strange young man would hear none of it.

"Just as I said... You get agitated easily. You are too impatient. Calm yourself and listen to me carefully. I will have this pack, one way or the other, with or without your help. But, you can not achieve your ambition without me. I advise you to choose your words wisely." He stated.

"B-But, it's not even in my hands. I can't make such a decision..." She answered.

"Oh, maybe not now. But soon enough, you will. I will make sure of that. After all, you will be the Wolf Queen, won't you?" He smirked.

"This guy really knows everything, doesn't he?" She thought to herself.

"It looks like you're not objecting any longer. I take it we have an agreement?" He asked.

"It's not like you've given me any other choice, have you?" She grumbled.

"Oh, that's not true... You could choose to stubbornly defy me and suffer the consequences, but I suppose you wouldn't do that, not with what is at stake."

"Come down, it's quite uncomfortable talking to you like this" He said to her.

She had no choice but to listen to his words. She leaped from the large branch she sat on and landed on the ground easily.

He gave her a small applause with a slight chuckle.

"Spectacular as always. Even something so mundane as this can be done with so much flair, as expected of you, Camilla." He commented.

"You keep saying my name as though we are familiars. Have we met before?" She asked him.

His smile broadened once she said this. He looked at her with an amused look, making it look like he was toying with her, like she was nothing to him, but a piece of entertainment.

"Of course we have, and the fact that you can not remember is testament to my meticulous and flawless nature." He answered.

"Now then, since we will be working together from now on, it's better I introduce myself to you, don't you think so?"

Finally, she would hear his name. Perhaps that would ring a bell for her.

"My name is Larry, Omega of the Rockwood Pack. Pleased to meet your acquaintance." He said stretching his hand to meet hers.

She automatically stretched hers too, and while their hands shook, her mind was elsewhere.

"Larry. Larry. Larry...." Her thoughts played over his name over and over again until she was certain

"I... I don't know who he is..." She said with surprise.

The harsh winds blew as their hands shook, symbolising the new alliance of malevolence that was about to sweep the pack, and ultimately the entire Oregon Woods.☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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