Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 265: The Invitation (X): Bad Blood

Rezar was all to happy to be rid of the official king apparel he wore here and back in really comfortable street clothes. The fur coat was an added bonus to just how good he currently looked, but be that as it may this wasn't what he was here for. Rezar and Lenore left the room to find a contingent of the sons of dawn, decked out head to toe in in black, silver and blue armor it was obvious that none of them came to play. The person who had been sent to fetch them was the same snow elf they had held hostage for a week before arriving here, the condescending look on her face had reduced significantly, with small disdain hidden under the curtain of absolute loyalty.

A vampire's allure is almost irresistible, especially when that Allure was being used by someone who had mastered it's used to the point of being able to control a dozen people at once, even animals were not safe from her control. Gynaika was a scary person at times, it was impossible for Rezar to not recognize that it was almost as if she was born to be a vampire, cause she's so damn good at it. Just as the snow elf queen had arranged, there was someone ready to take them to the location of their lunch meeting with her.contemporary romance

They were isolated, but on their way there, Rezar and Lenore had the distinct pleasure of sightseeing a little more, and it was there Rezar was able to notice something. Sillomere was too perfect, not even Morte Bianca for all of it's success and advancements could claim to be perfect, and in this case it came from the citizens. It was almost as if everyone around was a billionaire, but that was impossible; cause even though a majority of the snow elves were well off, with the Rejuvenation there should have been some significant losses for most of them.

But there was nothing seeping through the cracks, there was no sign of poverty, or discontent, there were smiles everywhere and it freaked Rezar out. Cause frankly speaking he could see how fake most of them were and it rubbed him off the wrong way.

Obviously Sillomere had a few secrets of it's own, but be that as it may, it was only a matter of time before those secrets are laid bare for him to see, he had a few schemes of his own in play. They were led to a park. And it was quite a sight as it was littered with ice sculptures and vegetation that thrived in the wintery embrace of snow and ice.

There was a booth of sorts constructed under a massive tree that had flowers and leaves draping down like curtains, it seemed like a wisteria tree, but the color scheme was wrong, and the tree had a hundreds of faced carved into it's trunk, so it was safe to say that it was a very different from the norm. The snow elf queen was sitting there with another snow elf, a male time and seeing how close they were, it was possible that this was her husband or something along that line. They were flanked by a significant amount of guards and that looked ready for business, but with how delicate all the snow elves looked like, it seemed as if a strong gust of wind would blow them away, but underestimating the guards of a royal would be a mistake.

"King Rezar! I'm happy you could join me, this is my husband, the royal consort Conkerian Greenleaf." Rezar and Lenore smiled as they exchange pleasantries with the royal couple and then settled down to have lunch and talk about random and less important things. And it was going great, the ambience was good and lovely, until Rezar got tired and changed the tone.

"Forgive me for ruining the mood, but I think it's about time we talk about more serious things. I'm sure important topics would come during the meeting later on today. But you and I have some bad blood Queen Morlenair, and it's about time we address it." The snow elf queen didn't beat around the bush either, which Rezar appreciated as the whole political maneuverings and posturing really annoyed him.

"My niece was killed by your hands, not to mention the slaughter of my people in front of my bloody gates! Tell me King Rezar, do you want to go to war with Sillomere?" Rezar raised an eyebrow at her, and then smiled mischievously as he turned to an annoyed Lenore who had her eyes narrowed.

"Your Niece was part of a plot to end my kingdom, I fight to protect what's mine and she sided with the Dustin Crowe merchant company who have been scheming against me even when I wanted an amicable settlement and business deal with them. I'm building a nation so I won't tolerate schemes that would cause me or my people problems, so I'm not sorry your niece died and neither am I going to apologize for it seeing as she took actions that can be considered ones of war. So are you claiming your niece as well taking responsibility for her actions against me and my kingdom. If that be the case, then by all means Queen Morlenair….. Let's go to war!"

The atmosphere was extremely tense, Lenore and the consort were practically just bystanders as they watched both Rezar and Morlenair face off. The guards on the other hand also felt the tension, and their hands were already on their weapons and ready to strike should Rezar try anything funny. Screet and Kitagawa on the other hand had a bored look on their face. Politics was not their problem, and Rezar had proven more times than they could possibly count that he was always the most dangerous person in the room. The snow elf queen had no idea what she was dealing with.

"As for your people being slaughtered at your city gates." Rezar continued, defusing the tension, but it was obvious that from the smile on his face he was absolutely having fun.

"They were a part of an ambush, we weren't allowed to bring our prisoners into your city, and I couldn't go back to Morte Bianca with them, so an execution was the only way to go."

"Without a fair trial?" the queen asked with a massive look of disapproval on her face. But all Rezar could say to that, and with so much conviction even the queen herself was shook was…..

"I am a King! My words are their trial just as much as it's their sentence. And my words say they're guilty for conspiring to kill me, and my words say that their judgement is death! Or do you want to argue with that 'Your Majesty!"

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