The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 99 The Truth From Three Years Ago Finally Revealed (Part One)

With a ferocious expression on his face, Billy suddenly raised his hand with a sharp dagger in his palm, glittering like frost and snow.

He thrust the dagger towards Austin's abdomen at a lightning speed. At that moment, Austin wasn't aware how near Billy got to him. The attack happened so fast that he didn't have the time to dodge.

Despite that, Austin’s spiritual sense was so strong that he had already sensed Billy's movement even without looking at it.

Austin’s eyes flashed when the pagoda in his hand suddenly radiated the golden rays shooting directly at Billy.


The golden rays stroke heavily on Billy and he was sent flying. He fell to the ground just outside the field motionless. People didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

There was a rule that when a person got onto the field, his life was his own risk.

Therefore, even if Billy died in the fight, Austin would not be held accountable for his death.

Furthermore, people in the audience all had seen Billy's disgraceful conduct to attack Austin unprepared, so no one would accuse Austin of being cruel, and no one would sympathize with Billy's plight.

Billy had only himself to blame.

Standing on the arena, Austin concealed the pagoda in his hand using his mind.

Everyone was surprised to Austin's delicate features matched by his profound martial art. They were all overwhelmed by Austin's excellent performance. They now understood why he used to be the first among the outer disciples. Despite his vital energy weakened, he could still fight in an amazing way.

If Austin could regain his former strength, he could have unimaginable power.

The fight enabled Austin to once reestablish his reputation among the outer disciples.

As for Billy, he just fainted outside the fighting ground.

After all, Austin had no intention of killing him.

The energy that had just rolled over on the field also gradually dissipated as Austin put away the pagoda in his hands.

Austin calmly walked down the field. He looked very discreet at that moment.

People looked at him with mixed of emotions: admiration, jealousy, fear, hatred, and resentment.

"Tin, you're so awesome! You gave him a shellacking in a short time!" Evan exclaimed and ran toward Austin as he saw the latter exit the field. "Evan, you should learn to keep a low profile," said Austin, frowning. "I'm sorry! I'm just too excited!”

Evan quirked his mouth and said disapprovingly.

Austin shook his head helplessly, but he just let it go. Since the fight was over, he took Evan off the scene as quickly as possible.

After the fight, he was sure that the idlers among the outer disciples wouldn't bother him anymore. This time, he was looking forward to cultivating himself more quietly.

And this was one of the reasons why he accepted Billy's challenge. They went straight to their home from the field.

Just as they opened the gate to their place, they were welcomed by a man who was sitting on a stone chair by the stone table in the garden. “Who is he?" Austin was surprised to find a stranger in his house.

He took a closer look at the figure and immediately recognized the man was Steward Murray, who was in charge of imparting martial arts in Sun Sect.

"Steward Murray! How did you know where to find us?" Austin was thrilled and rushed up to him.

Then he quickly asked Evan,” Can you please serve tea for Steward Murray?"

"I can see that you have moved into a new house. Am I still welcome here?"

Murray joked.

"Of course you are! I wouldn't be where I am today without your help. I would never forget your kindness," Austin said sincerely.

Upon hearing this, Murray nodded with delight.

He was relieved to see that Austin remained loyal to him.

"I witnessed the fight between you and Billy. And from there, I can see that you have somehow regained your vital energy.

But destruction pursues the great. Have you ever heard of the saying?" Austin didn't seem to understand what Steward Murray was trying to tell him.

He asked,” I'm not sure I get that, Steward Murray.”

"What I mean is, it is too risky for you to flaunt your skill just like that. Have you forgotten what happened to you three years ago? You should learn to hide your true powers until you become really strong,” said Murray earnestly.

“What happened to me three years ago..."

the thought echoed in Austin's mind.

"Steward Murray, what do you know about the attack on me three years ago?"

Austin asked anxiously. Three years ago, he was preparing for a breakthrough in Earth Realm when suddenly he was blindsided by someone and got seriously injured. He almost died that time, but he survived. However, the attack resulted in him to go crazy for three years.

Austin had never forgotten about it and had a deep animosity towards that man.

Since then, Austin made a deal with himself not to be fooled by kindness anymore. "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" as the saying goes.

It sounded as if Murray knew something about what had happened to Austin three years ago, so the latter was anxious but excited to know at the same time.

"Yes, I do know something about what happened that day. But I haven't told you because I think you're not strong enough to understand and get revenge. If I tell you the truth, I'm afraid you'll risk your life on the spur of the moment,” Murray said slowly. He stared at Austin, hoping to get the right message through him.

"Steward Murray." Austin took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves and calming himself down.

Then he continued to say,” I almost died, and since then, I realized that life is precious. I'm not going to be impulsive. Passion alone cannot win the revolution; it just makes martyrs. I won't take revenge on him until I'm sure I can beat him.

Just as the proverb says: "Know the weather, know the terrain, and your victory will be complete.” I want to know my enemy—who he is, his strengths and weaknesses, his powers. That way, I can understand how much vital energy I must achieve in order to get my revenge. I will use that as a goal for my cultivation, to motivate myself.

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